30 day free returns
Should there be issues with your order, please contact customer service at returns@glampinginstyletents.com and provide the reason and the necessary pictures or videos to verify your order issue. Our customer service team will contact the supplier to arrange for a return/exchange of the product. If the return is deemed valid, we will send you a return shipping label. When our supplier receives the return, our customer service team will issue the refund/replacement. You will receive the refund within 2-14 business days. The exact time depends on your card issuer.
Reasons for free return:
Reject the package directly if you receive it from the carrier damaged.
If the wrong item was sent. Please send evidence!
Issues with quality. Please provide us pictures/videos for evidence.
Reasons not supporting free return:
Arrived too late. Free returns will not be offered if the delayed delivery was due to reasons outside of our control.
You've decided you don't want/need/like the product. In this case, you'll have to pay shipping and a restocking fee to return the item.
Without a manual. Contact us if the manual is missing or you need more assembly details.
User error. Any damage caused by user error is not eligible for a return.